Removing a swimming pool in Northern Virginia is easy to do when you turn to Remove A Pool for our service. Our team is licensed, insured, and experienced. We will help to determine what type of pool removal is right for you and then offer comprehensive services to ensure the job is done properly. Our team is specialized – we do just pool removal services. As a result, we can provide you with very specific care and a no stress approach to removing your pool.

Trust Our Pool Removal Contractors

Remove A Pool offers full pool removal services to NoVA residents. During this process, we will work with you to ensure the job is done properly. This process will include gathering key data about your home and landscape. We will then work to ensure all permits are obtained as required by your city. Our swimming pool removal contractors will discuss the process with you including how we will move equipment over your property and protect your landscape.

We do all of the work for you. This includes demolishing the pool and hauling away all of the material from it. We always dispose of it in an environmentally friendly manner. Once removed, we will then fill in the opening with gravel and dirt. We compress it to ensure it is level. We can even clean up and prepare the site for your other needs. This includes getting the grass planted.

When you turn to Remove A Pool for swimming pool removal, you have a team of trusted, experienced contractors doing the work for you. This can give you peace of mind. Our team will ensure the work is done properly to your specifications. Trust us to help you. Call us today to schedule a free consultation for swimming pool removal.